Meet the District Team

Sid Ludlow

District Commissioner

Sid Ludlow

District Commissioner


Scouting has been an important influence in my life and an experience that I attribute to having enabled me to achieve a degree of success in my business and personal life. Scouting taught me self-discipline, competitiveness, respect for others, a can-do attitude, to be organized and tidy (I still remember competing wildly to win summer camp inspections of both kit and site).

The other major skill that I was first exposed to in Scouting was leadership, from the earliest age as a sixer in the Cubs on to scout patrol leader and beyond. That together with the enviable camaraderie engendered both through my own scout troop and through the district was an extremely important part of my development years from age 8 to 14 and beyond as an adult volunteer..

Having now been given the opportunity to help the Sefton North Scout District grow, through the retention and recruitment of adult volunteers, the continual development of programmes so that we can provide these wonderful experiences to an even greater number of young people is an honour and a challenge.


I firmly believe that as a team we will be able to achieve these objectives.

Clare Westcott

Scout Leader

Clare Westcott

I have been involved in scouting within the district for over 15 years. I went to a BBQ when my daughter was in beavers and left as a beavers leader for 1st Formby. This was followed by an explorer leader for a few years, until the role I currently hold as 1st Formby Scout Leader. 

Alex Clark

Deputy District Commissioner

Alex Clark

Deputy District Commissioner


“Hi, I’m Alex and I’m your Deputy District Commissioner. I’m excited to be a part of Sefton North during this time of unity and change.

I have a huge passion for youth shaped scouting, supporting young people to grow in confidence through having their voices heard. Another of my scouting passions lies with top awards and I have loved getting involved in this area with Sefton North Explorers.

You can contact me by email on

Sid Ludlow

District Commissioner

Scouting has been an important influence in my life and an experience that I attribute to having enabled me to achieve a degree of success in my business and personal life. Scouting taught me self-discipline, competitiveness, respect for others, a can-do attitude, to be organized and tidy (I still remember competing wildly to win summer camp inspections of both kit and site).

The other major skill that I was first exposed to in Scouting was leadership, from the earliest age as a sixer in the Cubs on to scout patrol leader and beyond. That together with the enviable camaraderie engendered both through my own scout troop and through the district was an extremely important part of my development years from age 8 to 14 and beyond as an adult volunteer..

Having now been given the opportunity to help the Sefton North Scout District grow, through the retention and recruitment of adult volunteers, the continual development of programmes so that we can provide these wonderful experiences to an even greater number of young people is an honour and a challenge.


I firmly believe that as a team we will be able to achieve these objectives.

Alex Clark

Deputy District Commissioner

“Hi, I’m Alex and I’m your Deputy District Commissioner. I’m excited to be a part of Sefton North during this time of unity and change.

I have a huge passion for youth shaped scouting, supporting young people to grow in confidence through having their voices heard. Another of my scouting passions lies with top awards and I have loved getting involved in this area with Sefton North Explorers.

You can contact me by email on

Clare Westcott

I have been involved in scouting within the district for over 15 years. I went to a BBQ when my daughter was in beavers and left as a beavers leader for 1st Formby. This was followed by an explorer leader for a few years, until the role I currently hold as 1st Formby Scout Leader.